Sunday, April 11, 2010

Copulation is the union between the sex organs (the Penis or vagina), an act which eventually trigger the release of fluids and a great feeling of satisfaction. Sexual satisfaction for women depends on how you perform the act The size of the penis and how long the act may last. How long you take to ejaculate as a man is an important factor for the woman since they need a longer period of time to attain orgasm than the men. Humans have sex for several reasons.

One important reason is have children while the rest are for pleasurable or adventurous reason. The act of sex and motives of sex therefore vary from person to person or couple to couple.

The act of sex between couples and is used to communicate love and affection for one another.

The act of sex is used to settle disputes between couples

Sex is practiced to symbolize commitment for one another in a relationship

Sex is used to derive pleasure or happiness at particular instants

The act of sex is used by couples to draw a line between who is a partner and who is not.

Therefore sex has become the main thing that brings couples together.

For these reasons a relationship today unfortunately without sex is not valued and not worth keeping by many couples. There pleasure derived from the act is another factor worth improving on. Therefore couples with a relationship they value will invest all they have to make this act pleasurable and worth living together for.

Continuous sex with your partner starts becoming boring and monotonous. There are two important facts of sex you can invest on now and stop the feeling boredom and monotony.

Enlarge Your Penis: During your first days with your female partner, they are blinded by the new love you show them and things like a small penis will not matter to them. With time after all things have passed away, your small penis will become an issue even if she does not say. She will feel ashamed to complain of something she claimed to have liked in the begging. It is your place to save your relationship enlarging your penis. She will be very happy with you as the monotonous penis she new of has become a new one. One your own pert you feel better sexual pleasure and increased self esteem.

Prolong your ejaculation time: There are several causes of this disorder and one of it is the fact that you have become too used to your partner that you know where to go each time you engage in the act. You ejaculate even before she starts enjoying herself. This ac becomes uncontrollable every day of your relationship. Your partner becomes stressed, depressed and angered all the time. You can prolong your ejaculation time which also make you partner enjoy what you do enjoy click here.

Sexual acts that end with the two parties satisfied with each other improves the strength of your valued relationship.

Do you want to make your female partner happy with you all your life? then enlarge your penis and
increase your ejaculation time

Prolong your ejaculation time

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